b'The Jebsons and Beedhamsand the Steam Saw at Gowthorpe: Photographs supplied by Lily JebsonT he photograph on the following page is a Jebsonmarried. To achieve the shot, with West End Farm in heirloom because Flora Beedham, one of thethe background, the photographer took the group seventeen children born to John and Mary Beedham,into the grounds of Highfield House opposite. As the married veterinary surgeon, William Henry Jebson.notice below announces, William and family moved It was both Flora and Williams second marriage.from Bishop Wilton to Pocklington in 1897 after the Lily Jebson has a photograph of William and Flora,death of Williams father, James, in the same year.taken in the 1890s (shown here) soon after they were From the Howdenshire Chronicle of October 23, 1897, this records the move of W. H. Jebson to Pocklington.The saw at work.The steam engine supplying the power to Two young girls atA Wolds WagonThere is a man with a bowler hatthe saw via a pulley.the gate watchingwith a long spar ofcontrolling the sawing whilst twoThere is a man standing by the pulley proceedings wood extendingmen hold either end of a long lengthwheel andyoung lad standing on a out of the front of wood being sawn. raised back-plate.The caption on the back of this undated photograph, which is in the possession of the Jebson family, is simply Beedhams, Gowthorpe.BULLETIN 18 367'