St Andrew, Bugthorpe

Our usual worship pattern is a Book of Common Prayer service of Holy Communion at 9.15 am on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month. St Andrew’s provides an important pastoral ministry to the community including home visiting and a full range of services from joyful baptisms and weddings to reflective and supportive funerals.

We work to foster strong links with the local primary school hosting three annual services at Easter, Harvest and a carol service.

A recent wedding at St Andrew’s.
Photo by permission ©Danny Cooper Photography.

St Andrew’s has one Churchwarden, a very competent and enthusiastic PCC as well as a rota of flower arrangers and cleaners.

The Friends of Bugthorpe Church is a group that includes the wider community who offer tremendous support to their parish Church. An annual social get together helps to build relationships, promote knowledge and understanding of the Church history and offers the chance to thank members in person for their generous giving.

One of our services with the local Church of England Primary School

St Andrew's is the heart of the village of Bugthorpe.

Dr Ruth Beckett has written a Brief History of St Andrew's, which has been published as soft back booklet. Copies are available in church.

Ascension Day Service at St Andrew's.

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