The service paints many vivid pictures of what happens on the Christian way.
If you are engaged to be married and looking for a church to be married in, then congratulations! A wedding is one of life's great moments, a time of solemn commitment as well as good wishes, feasting and joy.
If someone you know and love has died, a funeral led by a Church of England minister can be held in church, in a churchyard, by a graveside, or at a crematorium. The minister will be there to support you every step of the way.
What better way to teach children about the coronation than to stage our own during a Sunday family service? This was a truly exciting and memorable event.
Also, I was delighted to receive the card displayed, addressed to everyone in Garrowby following the King and Queen’s receipt of the card we sent on the occasion of the Coronation. The card had photographs of all the churches and congratulations from all the parishioners.