b'Charity, which is linked to the piece of land north ofReferences:the playing field, called the Rush Plantation. The onlyCharity Boards & Rev. Metcalfes Notebook: Parish duty they have left is to pay 15-06 annually to theRecords, B/W 48, Borthwick Institute, University of Rector of Bishop Wilton, for which he has to preach aYorksermon every month. Rev. Metcalfes letter to the Charity Commissioners and their Report: The National Archives, Kew, CHAR 2/326The New VicarageT he building of the new vicarage started in 19061907.The policeman pictured is thought to be PC and the foundation stone was laid on May 29thHarrison who served in the village until he retired in [see Bulletin 6].The photograph on this postcard was1908. A photograph taken on the same day shows taken on the day of the dedication, February 11th,those who attended the dedication. AcknowledgementsMike & Kate PrattT his 3rd anniversary issue of the Local Historycould be written about. It is a credit toall those with Bulletin is the last to be published on a quarterlya long connection with Bishop Wilton that so much basis. Over 12 editions we have managed to fill 322has been treasured and safely kept. We have been pages without straying too far away from the peopleparticularly fortunate to attract material from those and the parish of Bishop Wilton and thanks for thatwho do not live in the area but whose ancestors once are due to all those who have committed pen todid. Without the Local History Group that material paper. We must acknowledge also all those who havemight never have been gathered.contributed mementoes and memories so that they BULLETIN 12 211'