b'The mound in the front of the Manor House The village pump with its picket fenceborrowed the old Bishop Wilton Parish Council records and found the entry for 19th Feb 1896: The question of the village spring was discussed. It was proposed that a brick cistern be built, a flagstone placed on the top and a lead pump erected thereon.There is further mention of it in Feb 1934 when its repair is discussed. Gordon Foster recalls the pump was still working up to the 1940s.As for when a piped water supply came to the village, the Parish Council records give a good account. There appears to have been some controversy about this. The entry for 18th March 1932 raises discussion of a letter from the Sanitary Inspector of the possibility of two alternative water schemes, first for twelve standpipes and a second for a full household supply. One member thought there was no need to incur any expense as the village was well supplied by easily accessible springs!ItThe picture above shows the village spring before was proposed that the scheme be postponed for athe pump was erected. The picket fence was there year.Following several further postponements theto keep out cattle being tented on the green.full scheme was completed around March 1936. The Parish Council wrote to the contractors to ask that the left rubble be tidied up. Obviously nothing much changes!It is interesting to note this was also the year electricity came to the village.Mike and Kate Pratt still have one of the old Pocklington Rural District Council water covers dated 1935.From then on the use of wells and pumps would be mainly confined to outside use, particularly on the many village farms. Looking back at his time working at West End Farm, Arthur Wilson told me how convenient it was to dip into rain barrels or use the outside pump to make up mash for the cattle.Today many of the old wells have been filled in for safety reasons and their pumps have been removed. Some have survived and I would like to thankOne of the old Pocklington Rural District Council everyone who allowed me to take photographs. Whenwater covers dated 1935.I see these, I find them very attractive, but also try andon how lucky we now are to have instant water.imagine what a lot of work it must have been. WhenNancy Hutchinson remembers using the pump we turn on our taps today perhaps we should reflectat Lime Tree House after the house was supplied by BULLETIN 3 25'