b'Malcolm Burgess: Memories of Bishop WiltonRecorded on 7th March 2003The Co-opM y first job after Bishop Wilton School was at the Co-op in the village. The school master was Mr Rhodes, Alfred Richard Rhodes, he had a nickname, we called him Pod, Old Pod. I suppose that came from Rhodes then Rod, to Pod, I dont know. When I left school, Mr Rhodes was quite annoyed with me dad cos he would have liked me to go to Pocklington Grammar School. But money was the problem, there was no money. So Mr Rhodes asked me what I was going to do and I said I didnt know. But I remember they were just building the Drome at the time at Full Sutton and there was good money to be had down there for tea lads. A lot more money than you could get for being an apprentice at the Co-op. If you became an apprentice you signed your life away, virtually, for poor money. It was 7/6 a week when I started at the Co-op at 14, three half-crowns. I was doing five and half days a week and it was 6 oclock finish on Saturday night and that wasMalcolm in his garden beside his sweet peas in 2003a pig. We had Wednesday half-day. On Saturday, the half past five bus fetched the papers and I had 100to get childrens shoes. He had right little feet. He papers to take round so I didnt get finished til late.was a good waltzer and he was only 5 foot. Paddy I got thruppence a night extra for taking the papers.Brighams dad, he was a good dancer as well. There were 108 houses in Bishop Wilton then. I justWe used to have some good dances in them days. did the village, I didnt do any farms. In the back lanesThey were up at school. They used to have a whist there were the Black Cottages and also Major Swainsdrive first and when that had finished they used to which was called Lal Koor. Major Swain had been inclear all the desks away, stack em up at the side two India and Lal Koor was a place up in the highlands.deep so that they could dance. He had two sons, both soldiers, Siddy and Alf. AlfThere was advantages with taking papers because committed suicide in the village with the daughteryou got a bit of talk. I used to get Major Swain going of the policeman in the village, called Jefferson [inabout India and the Raj and having servants. I dont 1930]. She was a twin. Then after that, the otherknow why he came to Bishop Wilton. He lived in twin committed suicide. All this is only hearsaystillMary Rowlays house before her mother, Mrs Riley, being talked about when I was a lad. The two girlsbought it when she came to the village in 1936 or are buried in the church yard, by the coke house. Mr1937. Thats when Major Swain built Lal Koor. Me Jefferson was probably one of the last policemen tofather was friendly with Mrs Riley because she was a live in the village at No. 96. After that the RobinsonsCrosby from Gate Helmsley and he knew the Crosbys. came to that house, Owen Robinsons granny. TheyShe didnt call me father Mr Burgess she called him shared the small-holdings at the back, over the churchJim. They were pally like that. Mrs Riley wasnt a Co-wall. Tommy Tipling and Eddie lived at the right handop customer though, I think. She was with Harold side of the path to the church, in the old vicarage.Procters, a shop in Pocklington. I used to know nearly everyones Co-op numberWhen I was at the Co-op we acquired the Chapel when I worked at the shop. In fact with a lot of Smithswhere the shop is now. We used to use it as a store in the village and a lot of Wilsons, when Mr Fielderroom. The Chapel stage was still in there then and used to ask which Smith I used to say 1340 and thatsthere was a wooden risen floor. We used to keep coal how we used to differentiate. My mothers was 158.in there. In them days flour was in ten stone sacks and Mrs Nellie West was number 4. we had a sack barrow and it was awkward because Sid Fielder was always whistling. They used towe used to put it in a bin and weigh it out of the bin. call him Whistling Sid. He used to try and sing aI couldnt reach bottom of bin. I had to roll over the bit sometimes in shop. He was quite a good dancer,side to get to the bottom. I wasnt very big actually - I was Mr Fielder, and he only took size twos. He hadhad to have a box so that I could see the Avery weigh. 74 BULLETIN 6'