b'The Sykes Churches - Part 1Mike PrattThese portraits of two generations of the Sykes family were published during the lives of the subjects. The portrait on the left, is of Sir Tatton Sykes of Sledmere, the fourth Baronet, celebrated squire and Master of Foxhounds, the one on the right, is of Sir Tatton Sykes, the fifth Baronet, who passed his youth in seclusion, and much of his early manhood in foreign travel, so that he acquired a love of retirement, a taste for silence and a distrust of garrulity.S py caricatures like the one on the right 1weremost unexpectedly accompanied by titles that typified the personannounced that Sir Tatton Sykes, of Sledmere, was depicted. In this case, the fifth Baronet is referred tounwilling that any rate should be laid, it being his as fifteen churches. Because he built and restoredintention to restore the edifice entirely at his own many churches it is sometimes thought that it wasexpense. The work is expected to cost between he who restored Bishop Wilton Church. That this is2,000 and 3,000 3 .not the case is stated in the text that accompaniesHaving clarified the point about the responsibility the portrait of the fourth Baronet 2 :. a meetingfor the restoration, it would be wrong to leave it there. of the inhabitants of Bishop Wilton was held in theThe fifth Baronet did a lot to improve Bishop Wilton vestry of the parish church for the purpose of layingChurch after the restoration by his father, the details of a rate for the restoration of the church, when it waswhich we will explore in the next Bulletin. 1By Spy, from Vanity Fair, Men of the Day, No. 202, August 23, 1879.2From The Drawing Room Portrait Gallery of Eminent Personages presented with the Illustrated Newsof the World.3The quotations used here all come from the text that accompanies the portraits.Marriages in Bishop WiltonMike & Kate PrattT he records of marriages in Bishop Wilton 1start in1754 (see article on page 3). But after the act a new 1613 with a register that is described as Soiledbook in a new format is used. This has a specimen and is very difficult to read. Examples of readableform with examples of the entries required:entries from later are of the following form: Name / Parish / Occupational StatusBenjamin Cobb and Mary Sanderson was marriedWhether married by banns or licenceJuly ye 10th, 1664 Date of MarriageWm Golden of Belthorp and Ann Berrey ofSignatures of those marrying (or their marks), of the Yolthorp both of this parish were married by Bandsofficiating clergyman and the names and signatures of 16th day of November 1744 two witnesses.James Eastton and Elenor Abbat married 27thIt is interesting that no ages are recorded although November by a licence granted by - [This entry likeit was assumed that the participants were over the others by licenceis blank after granted by] age of 21 or that the banns or the licence would It is clear from this that both banns and the licenceestablish that the assent of parents was forthcoming were in use before the time of the Marriage Act inif not.1Available for reference on microfilm at the Borthwick Institute at York university Library.350 BULLETIN 18'